As young men grow up, it can be hard to get them gifts. A gift like that air rifle you bought them as a kid just won’t really hit the spot the same way, and as they grow into their own unique taste, finding the ideal present can suddenly become an anxiety-inducing chore. Don’t worry—that’s what we’re here to help with. Check out these easy, simple, and affordable go-to gift options for the young men in your life. Trust us, this is stuff every guy needs, and they will be more than happy that you hooked them up with these awesome essentials.
Socks & boxers
As kids, everyone hated opening a present to find it had socks or underwear in it. Nothing could be more of a nuisance on Christmas morning or a birthday. But once guys get a little older, and especially once they have to start worrying about buying socks and underwear for themselves, a solid pair of boxer briefs or high-quality patterned socks can be some of the best gifts around. Just make sure that if you do opt for this kind of gift, you choose something cool and unique—another 5-pack of boxers from the store down the road isn’t exactly the ideal gift.
Graphic Ts
Think of a few things your gift recipient loves. Maybe it’s a hobby, like playing guitar or running 10ks. It might be hard or expensive to get the guy actual gear for these activities, since they will probably be fairly picky about getting just the right things. However, you could instead get them a sweet graphic tee that will show off their love for their hobby. It’s a safe bet—it’s just a T shirt after all—but it still shows that you support them in their quest to be the best runner/guitarist/surfer around!
Craft beer
Who doesn’t love to kick back and relax with a cold one every now and then? If the guy you’re shopping for loves cracking open a brew after a long day, it’s a great idea to gift him a sixer of his favorite craft beer. This might also be a great option to pair with another gift, if you think it could use a little extra something. Be sure that you pay attention to the beer the guy likes, though; you wouldn’t want to get him something he’ll turn his nose up at.
Gadgets & accessories
Most men love technology. That’s why we always suggest finding cool tech odds and ends that you can gift the guy in your life. Whether that’s something small and simple, like a novelty flash drive, or maybe a big splurge, like a VR headset, it’s sure to please. There are also great options for accessories, like portable phone chargers, phone and laptop cases, or sweet headphones.
Dress apparel
Every guy ends up at a wedding, fancy dinner, or networking event at some point. That’s why a solid gift idea is always apparel that suits these occasions. A nice tie is always a thoughtful gift, but you could also pick out a slick dress shirt, a snazzy sweater, or even a belt that’s sure to impress. Guys often forget to go out and buy these things for themselves, too, so you’ll be doing them a pretty huge favor if you pick it up for them. They might even land a hot date in the clothes you picked out!
Cool home décor
Hey, guyscan like a little home décor, too. If they are a megafan of a cool band, you could get them a framed poster for their bedroom. Cool dude-friendly options also include bottle openers that screw into the wall, or a cool beanbag chair they can toss themselves down onto for a few rounds of gaming or sports after a long day at work.
Dudes love chowing down on some serious grub, there’s no denying it. For the men in your life who are hard to please, an easy go-to option is always food. Whether that’s a gift card to their favorite steak restaurant, or a gift basket filled with lip-smacking morsels, the guy in your life will love it.
Consider these awesome options the next time you’ve got a guy’s birthday coming up, and good luck shopping!
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