Wednesday, February 28, 2018

What is a Flaming Lamborghini?

what is a flaming lamorghiniAs you probably know, I’ve written quite a few posts on different cocktails.  I got to thinking what my all-time favorites were and decided on a flaming lamborghini.  So, what is a flaming lamborghini?

I was first introduced to it when I was travelling around New Zealand, I met some friends and went for some apres ski in Mount Hutt, NZ.  A lot of the bars we went to did a flaming lamborghini and, of course, we tried one (well, actually several!)

What is a Flaming Lamborghini?

Here’s the Tipsy Bartender’s take on this wondrous drink:

It’s basically a cocktail that is set alight and it’s meant to be drunk in one, with a straw (so that you don’t burn your mouth!)

What Is A Flaming Lamborghini Recipe?

You need only four ingredients to make your show stopping flaming lamborghini.


1 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur
1 oz sambuca
1 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
1 oz Bailey’s® Irish cream

How To Make It:

  • Pour the sambuca and kahlua into a cocktail glass.
  • Pour the baileys and blue curacao into two separate shot glasses either side of the cocktail glass.
  • Set light to the concoction in the cocktail glass and start to drink through a straw (this drink should be drunk in one).
  • As the bottom of the glass is reached put out the fire by pouring the baileys and blue curacao into the cocktail glass and keep drinking till it’s all gone.

That’s all there is to it!  The Tipsy Bartender’s instructions above are to make a tower of the cocktail, which you can Wow your guests with.  Alternatively you can just use one cocktail glass and two shot glasses, like the recipe above.

Trip Advisor suggests you head to Iluze Bar in Prague to try a flaming lamborghini or Isa’s Bar in Turkey.  Alternatively, you could head for Bangkok and visit The Myst Bar

What Is A Flaming Lamborghini Alternative?

There are a variety of flaming cocktails you can try, here’s a selection from The Matador Network’s Top Ten:

  • Pumpkin Pie: 1/3 shot Kahlua,1/3 shot Bailey’s Irish Cream, 1/3 shot Tequila (white), 1 dash cinnamon
  • Flaming Dr Pepper: 3/4 shot Amaretto,1/4 shot of 151 rum, 1/2 glass of beer
  • Flaming B-52: 1/3 shot Kahlua, 1/3 shot Irish Cream, 1/3 shot Grand Marnier or Cointreau, A couple of drops of 151 rum
  • Bailey’s Comet: 1 + 1/2 oz Bailey’s Irish Cream, 1+ 1/2 oz Butterscotch Schnapps, 3/4 oz Goldschlager, 1 tbsp 151 Rum, 1 dash Cinnamon
  • Flaming Sambuca: 1 oz Black Sambuca, 3 Coffee Beans

Be careful though guys, flaming shots can obviously be dangerous AND they are mostly very alcoholic, so don’t expect to be able to walk a straight line on leaving the bar!

Flaming cocktails can be a great idea for a Bachelor Party, check out these ideas for great bachelor party venues:

Las Vegas

Los Angeles

New York


Costa Rica





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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

History of Skyy Vodka

history of skyy vodka

We’ve explored the best brands of vodka and vodka-based cocktails.  I thought it would be fun to find out the history of Skyy vodka as it is a relative newcomer in terms of good vodkas and one of the few that is made in the US.

Skyy came to be in 1992 and was created by inventor Maurice Kanbar.


History of Skyy Vodka

Skyy vodka was originally produced and bottled in San Jose, CA.  The ethanol used to produce Skyy was delivered by rail from Atchison, KS. In December 2001, the Campari Group bought Skyy from Kanbar.

Skyy vodka was invented by Kanbar allegedly because he wanted a better martini and he decided that a premium martini needed a better vokda.   So, in 1992, Skyy became America’s first quadruple distilled and triple filtered premium vodka.

In fact Kanbar has become known for his quest to create premium vodka and, since Skyy he has also created Blue Angel Vodka, which is purer than Skyy.  Kanbar’s latest vodka even has a martini all to itself – the Blue Angel Martini (BAM), which is simply Blue Angel vodka and vermouth.

History of Skyy Vodka Infusions

Skyy vodka has a variety of infusions available and the list is ever growing.  As of 2017, these infusions were available:

  • Bartlett Pear
  • Blood Orange
  • Cherry
  • Citrus
  • Coastal Cranberry
  • Coconut
  • Georgia Peach
  • Honeycrisp Apple
  • Moscato Grape
  • Pacific Blueberry
  • Passion Fruit
  • Pineapple
  • Raspberry
  • Texas Grapefruit
  • Tropical Mango
  • Vanilla Bean
  • Wild Strawberry

According to Skyy they have a developed an infusion process that captures the true flavor of the fruit, the “true-to-fruit experience”.

More About The History of Skyy Vodka’s Inventor

On delving into the research for the history of Skyy vodka, it became very evident what a fabulous inventor Maurice Kanbar is! Here’s some interesting facts about him:

  • He holds more than 50 patents
  • He won’t tell anyone his real age!
  • He invented the D-Fuzz It comb for sweaters
  • He is a Jewish philanthropist who has donated millions
  • He produced the animated film ‘Hoodwinked’ (it grossed over $100 million)

  • In his own words: “I don’t want to make money,” says the inventor. “I’m looking to do good before I leave this planet.”
  • He came up with an evaporating cryogenic gas that froze the lens of the eye without the hazards of liquid nitrogen (for cataract treatment)
  • He invented Zip Notes, which are like Post-its, but with a dispenser that allows the user to choose the length
  • He says his doctor set him off on the path of creating Skyy vodka, by saying, “Stay away from cognac, just drink vodka.” This was after Kanbar complained of getting headaches from fine cognac!

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Monday, February 26, 2018

Best Microbrews and Breweries in Illinois

logo of state of IL advertising best microbrews are in the stateI’m going to start listing some microbrews state by state in this and subsequent editions of The Craft Joint. My idea is to mention some of the better microbrews and microbreweries. You can find an overview of sorts of craft beer states, beers and breweries starting here. My listings will be in no particular order nor will they be comprehensive. I’m going to start with the best microbrews in Illinois. Illinois is my home state so I figured why not. Since I’m not going to list every single craft beer produced by every single producer because there are so many, your personal favorites may be missing. No offense intended. Just go with the flow and keep drinking beer with flavor!

Look for a couple or so brewers from each state that I cover. I most likely will hit each state more than once.

Time for the Best Microbrews in the State of Illinois

Microbrew and the Mississippi River in Alton

exterior of old bakery brewery and other Alton, IL brick buildings in the hilly town

The scenic river town of Alton, IL home of The Old Bakery Beer Company

I live near an Illinois town on the Mississippi River called Alton. Not a big place and not tiny. Has some great history. What Alton also has are some fine places to drink microbrew and craft beer. The Old Bakery Beer Company is in the downtown area of Alton near the big river. They have been certified as an organic brewery. They are housed in a building that used to be a bakery, thus the name.

The Old Bakery Beer Company is also a restaurant and their food is prepared to pair well with the beers they produce.

They offer both year-round and seasonal brews. From the always available list, I like their Porter and their North End IPA. They have more beers on their seasonal list and are a sure bet when they are available. A wide variety too. Single malt and single hop beer, Scottish Ale, Double Stout, Super Pils, Rye, and more. I think they are pretty damn adventurous and brew superior craft beers.

Another plus for this Illinois brewer is that their beer is available in cans in quite a few locations in both Illinois and Missouri. Not everywhere in these two states, but they are branching out.

Windy Chicago for a Craft Beer Revolution

Moving up to Chicago, I have to talk about Revolution. Revolution Brewing has been doing their best to live up to their mission of bigger flavors, brewing a wide variety of beers, and making that beer the best it can be. These cats crank out dozens of different beers every year. They definitely have ambition!

chicago, illinois revolution brewing logo

Worker’s unite for Chicago’s Revolution Brewing!

They have a great sense of humor too which comes across full throttle with the names of their beers and the graphics on their cans. Anti-Hero India Pale Ale and Eugene Robust Porter are a couple year round crafts. Fistmas Holiday Ale and A Little Crazy Belgian Style Pale are some seasonals.

They have a Hero Series, A League of Heroes, Deep Wood Series and more. Go for Deth’s Tar which a bourbon barrel aged imperial stout boasting a 14.8% ABV or Mineshaft Gap which is 14.3% barleywine aged in Cognac barrels. Both pack a heaping helping of flavor and a buzzy kick too!

I know I’m glossing over what these microbreweries offer. I’m also only mentioning two primo Illinois craft beer makers out of many. Since beer is a labor of love for me (Newsflash!), I’ll keep visiting and drinking wherever I go and pass along the goods to you. As I see them, of course.

Take care and try new craft beers. Who knows, the next one you have may make it to your own personal best microbrew list.

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10 Best Products To Buy on eBay

Do you use eBay to bid on auctioned items or the “Buy Now” option to purchase products?

eBay is a great online marketplace to look for a deal on a product you might find on Amazon or another eCommerce website.

The big question: Is eBay the go-to site for all your online shopping needs?

Of course not!

There are certain types of items where the best deal you’ll find is on eBay.

But if you want to get the most out of your shopping experience on eBay, I’ll tell you about the top 10 products on this platform.

10 Best Things to Buy on eBay

For all the things listed below, eBay is the place to buy them. You’ll get the most bang for your buck with these items using the traditional bidding or “Buy Now” option.

#1 Customized Products
Buying a nice gift for your friend or significant other can be expensive. You want to show them you appreciate them without breaking the bank.

Since eBay was established, it became easier for people who want customized products to find and buy them at a cheap or very reasonable price.

For Valentine’s Day, I bought my boyfriend a vintage 1970s hip-hop and techno jacket on eBay.

For myself, I’ve bought backpacks and purses with my name embroidered on it.

#2 Vintage or Rare Products
If you want to relive your childhood, eBay is the only place you’ll find vintage or rare products.

Anything from 1970s Barbie dolls to antique lamps, you can search for it on eBay and find a seller who has a reasonable price.

When I was 11, I decided to dress up as Wayne from Wayne’s World and I bought my hat from eBay.

#3 Used and Restored Products
If you’ve completed a project around your house, you know that buying the tools for it can be pricey. You can roll the dice for used or restored one.

Luckily, eBay has a wide selection of tools available at prices below Home Depot’s prices.

You can find anything from screwdrivers to tool belts for your next home improvement project.

#4 Accessories and Jewelry
If you want to buy something nice for your significant other or even yourself on occasion, you can find it on eBay.

You can find accessories and jewelry ranging from sterling silver necklaces to a simple ring to wear to work.

I’ve bought a couple of rings for myself already.

#5 Car Parts
The car dealership and automotive stores drive up the prices on what parts you need or even don’t need.

Instead, ask your mechanic what you need and then go to eBay to buy it. You can hire the mechanic to install them or look up a YouTube video.

#6 Pet Products
Caring for your pet is fun and rewarding but also expensive.

Finding affordable pet supplies can be hard at a pet store, but eBay has everything you need from toys to medicine.

#7 Art Supplies Products
If you love to do small art projects as a hobby or are an aspiring artist yourself, you understand how expensive art supplies can be.

eBay has a wealth of art supplies to choose from at low prices.

#8 Electronic Products
If you’re one of those people who continually misplace or lose your phone charger, then finding a cheap one is a must.

eBay has chargers for as low as five dollars and without a shipping fee!

#9 Costume Products
Need a quick and cheap costume for a themed party?

eBay has your back with unique outfits to choose from, low prices, and even free shipping.

#10 Shoes
Going to a department store for shoes racks up your credit card bill and drains your bank account.

Instead, go to a department store to try on shoes and then go to eBay to buy the same or similar shoes for much less.

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Friday, February 23, 2018

Seriously Drinkable Blended Bourbon Brands

glass of bourbon ready to drinkI’ve gone to some pretty serious effort to put together a list of blended bourbon brands that just may light up your taste buds. At first glance, you may be thinking that I’ve gone off the deep end. Hey, its happened before and I’m sure it will again and this could be one of those times. Then again, maybe not. Thank goodness everything here at Things Men Buy can be kind of freewheeling!

When you first give it some thought, the words blended and bourbon may not seem to go together. I mean, there are laws regulating what can and cannot be called bourbon. With such relatively stringent controls, why would someone take a carefully crafted distilled spirit and adulterate it by blending?

There are a number of reasons and probably the main one is that whoever is doing the blending has a pretty damn good idea of what they are doing. They are doing their damnedest to bring out the best of all the ingredients to create a superior product. Who the hell would take top line hooch like many bourbons and fuck it all up purposely?

These master blenders might not always succeed in creating a hooch that is truly superior on every front, but it is still far superior to a ton of other whiskeys and some unblended bourbons too.

This list is small because I want it to be. Instead of inundating you with every damn blended bourbon I could find, I’m merely providing a primer. If you like what you read and taste, then head to your nearest serious spirits store and ask for their blended bourbon selection.

Take a Look at My List of Blended Bourbon Brands

Here comes the short list and a little info with each. I hope you like.

Turkey Time

bottle of wild turkey bourbon called forgivenWild Turkey has long been my “go to” bourbon. Way back in college, I would coerce the boys into hitting a joint on the town square called the Anchor Inn so we could drink pitchers of Stag and shots of Wild Turkey. The old crew still has solidly fun (and in some cases regrettable!) memories of feeling that “Wild Turkey Bite” due to it being bottled at a high proof.

Well, rye-heavy Wild Turkey has come up with a blend called Wild Turkey Forgiven which is 78% six-year-old Wild Turkey and 22% four-year-old rye. They bottle it at a high proof of 91%, true to form, and it is a flavor-filled winner that will pop your top too! About $50 a bottle.

President Jefferson Would Approve

Jefferson’s is a small craft distillery that my cousin Terry brought to my attention with their Jefferson’sPresidential Select from Jefferson's is hard to get Ocean. If you’re not familiar with that, look it up as it will really get you thinking.

Anyway, for awhile Jefferson’s bottle a variety of what they called Presidential Select. They offered this brand as aged selections. From 17 years old to 30 years old you could really be in for a treat with any of them. If you can find them, that is. They are not currently produced but if you shop around, I mean seriously shop around you may get lucky. I hope you do.

Four Roses For Everybody

Four Roses when through a rebirth of sorts some time back, though Four Roses bottle of Small Batchthe brand has been in existence since 1888. I’m not going to tell the rebirth story, but I suggest you check it out. Overall, Four Roses blends some bourbons that are an undeniable treat. You cannot go wrong with anything labeled Four Roses.

A stand out from them, however, is the Four Roses Small Batch. Four super high-quality bourbons were blended together with great care to create this 90 proof bottle of blended love. You can find it for about $30 to $40 per bottle. That is a deal for this handcrafted spirit.

Just to add a little variety and depth to my list of blended American bourbon brands, check out Old Elk, Old Ripy, High West Bourye, Tin Cup 10 year, High West Campfire, Joseph Magnus, and Old Forester Statesman.


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The Best Players on the 2002 Miami Hurricanes Football team

The Best Players on the 2002 Miami Hurricanes Football teamIn 2002, Miami had just done a national championship season, some of the players left for the NFL, but a few stayed.  Who were the best players on the 2002 Miami Hurricanes football Team?

Check out Tim’s post on Hurricanes apparel here and on NFL Combine Apparel too.

The Best Players on 2002 Miami Hurricanes Football Team

Andre Johnson

Best Player Miami Hurricanes 2002Johnson was a standout wide receiver for the Miami Hurricanes 2000-2002.

He was also a top sprinter, running the 60-meter dash in 6.81 seconds, the 100m in 10.59, 200m in 21.48 and the 400m in 46.47.

Johnson was the number three overall pick in the 2003 NFL Draft by the Houston Texans.

Johnson retired October 31, 2016 and signed a one day contract with the Texans on April 19, 2017 so that he could officially retire as a member of the team.

Ken Dorsey

The Best Players on 2002 Miami Hurricanes Football teamDorsey was the team’s starting quarterback and rewrote the Hurricanes record books during his time at Miami.

Even with this strong college career, Dorsey was selected in the seventh round with the 241st overall pick of the 2003 NFL Draft by the San Francisco 49ers.  This was apparently due to concerns over Dorsey’s arm strength.

Dorsey retired on May 3, 2011 after his career included the 49ers, Cleveland Browns and Toronto Argonauts (Canadian Football League).  Dorsey has worked as a scout and also a coach since then.

Jonathan Vilma

Vilma played middle linebacker for Hurricanes in 2002. Vilma led the team in tackles with 133 (75 solo), and had two quarterback sacks, a forced fumble, recovered two fumbles, (returning one for a touchdown) and broke up five passes.

Vilma was drafted by the Jets with the 12th selection in the 2004 NFL Draft.  He went onto playing for the New Orleans Saints in 2008 – 2014.  He officially retired in December 2015.  Since then he has worked for ESPN as a college football commentator and studio analyst.

Here’s a Thanksgiving ESPN clip from 2017:

D J Williams

Williams was a linebacker for Miami in 2002, he registered 108 tackles (55 solos) to rank second on the team, notched four sacks, forced two fumbles, and broke up eight passes.

Williams was selected by the Denver Broncos in the first round (17th overall) of the 2004 NFL Draft and emerged as one of the league’s top linebackers.  He signed for the Chicago Bears in March, 2013 after being released from the Broncos.

Brett Romberg

Romberg was recognised as an outstanding center with the Hurricanes, who he played for from 1999 to 2002.  The Hurricanes won 35 out of 37 games with Romberg as center.

After college, Romberg played with the Jacksonville Jaguars, St Louis Rams and the Atlanta Falcons.  He retired in 2012 and became a host on a morning sports show in South Florida.

Some of the highlights of 2002 include:

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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

American Whiskey Brands…Blends, Bourbon, or What?

american blended whiskey brands does not include wild turkey

NOT A BLEND. Just in case you didn’t read the label.

As the title suggests, I’m going to provide a list of American blended whiskey brands. Sounds simple? Maybe not so much.

It is not so simple because whenever whiskey is mentioned, bourbon is usually mentioned. This confuses things. There is a difference and this difference is not just customary, it is legal.

Defining Bourbon

By definition and law, bourbon must be made in America using at least 51% corn. Bourbon has to be stored in oak barrels. They must be new barrels and they must be charred barrels. When it is distilled it cannot exceed 160 proof which is 80% alcohol. When it goes into the barrel, the liquid can be no more than 125 proof. Finally, when it is bottled, it cannot be less than 80 proof. No flavorings, additives, or colorings are allowed. That is bourbon law.

What About Whiskey

Whiskey, on the other hand, does not have to be made in America, does not have to be made using 51% corn or any corn at all, and it does not have to be stored in new oak barrels. For American whiskey, the barrels do have to be oak, but they do not have to be charred.

Taking a Look at Blended American Whiskey

American blended whiskey must contain at least 20% straight whiskey with the rest of it being abottle of Seagram's 7 neutral spirit. In some cases light whiskey, which is whiskey between 160 proof and 190 proof, is added instead of the neutral spirit. This American Blended Whiskey is what we’re talking about. There are blended whiskeys that are piss poor, fantastic and everything in between.

Mind boggling to me is that I discovered there are only eight companies that make most of the whiskey in the United States. These eight companies own thirteen distilleries that produce 99% of our American whiskey. There are some smaller outfits which bottle their own and even distill it. I’ve included some in my list.

Now the list. This is not a list of all, but a pretty good sample. It is in no particular order. Take a look around, you might find something you like.

Here’s a List of a Variety of American Blended Whiskey Brands

1.High West Campfire Whiskey, 2.Great Northern 3.Distilling Vanguard Whiskey, 4.Rogue Spirits Deadbottle of lower priced american blended whiskey Guy Whiskey, 5.Seagrams 7 Crown, 6.Kessler, 7.Beam’s Eight Star, 8.Heaven Hill Kentucky Whiskey, 9.Gukenheimer, 10.Kentucky Deluxe, 11.Kentucky Beau, 12.T. W. Samuels, 13.Wilson, 14.Ten High, 15.Old Thompson, 16.Imperial, 17.Fleischmann’s Preferred, 18.Barton Reserve, 19.Barton Premium, 20.Lord Baltimore, 21.Hobble Creek, 22.Bentley’s, 23.Ezra Brooks White Label, 24.Tenderfoot Whiskey, 25.Chicken Cock Bootleggers Reserve, and 26.Calvert Extra.

Beware of this list of American blended whiskey brands. There are some great whiskeys and some so nasty they could eat the paint off of your car.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

How is Gin Made?

How is Gin Made?Many of us at enjoy a gin and tonic (there is always discussion about which gin to choose and whether to add a slice of lemon or a slice of lime!) How is gin made to make it into the adult beverage that we enjoy?

Gin has become fashionable with many local gins appearing and an increasingly wide variety to sample.  There are some delicious gin-based cocktails to try, which one is your favorite?  I think my vote goes to the Singapore Sling, although I love a sloe gin and tonic too!

How is Gin Made?

Gin can be made from any spirit alcohol made from agricultural product which meets the requirements laid down in the spirit drink regulation.  This alcohol must be around 95% abv and the best ones are usually made from grain (usually barley or maize) or molasses.

The best neutral alcohol has no flavor at all.  If you ever fancy making your own gin, you can find 95% neutral alcohol, if you look around AND if it happens to be legal in your state!  I’m thinking of a rectified spirit (also called grain alcohol or neutral spirit) called Everclear.

If you decide to use this as a base to make your own gin with, make sure you know what you are getting yourself involved with! Check out the Ten Things you need to know about Everclear BEFORE you proceed.

According to Wikipedia:

“in the United States, gin is defined as an alcoholic beverage of no less than 40% ABV (80 proof) that possesses the characteristic flavour of juniper berries. Gin produced only through distillation or redistillation of aromatics with an alcoholic wash can be further distinguished and marketed as “distilled gin”.”

How To Make Your Own Gin


This one has the addition of parsnips as well as the ‘normal’ gin ingredients to make it into a distilled gin.


Here’s the recipe for the above video:

1L of alcohol or moonshine (50% ABV)

17 g of juniper

7 g of coriander

1.5 g of cassia-bark

1 g of lemon peel

2.5 g of orange peel

A pinch of: liquorice, anise, fennel and hyssop

How Is Gin Made: Production Methods

#1. Pot Distilled Gin

Pot distilled represents the earliest types of gin and uses a process which first distills the fermented grain mash and then distills it will flavored botanicals.

The earliest gins were heavier in nature and were often aged in barrels to give a more malty flavor.

#2. Column Distilled Gin

Column distilled gin evolved with the invention of the Coffey Still which enabled the distillers to create a gin which was lighter in flavor than the old pot method.

This sort of process produces distilled gin and also London dry gin.

#3. Compound Gin

Compound gin is simply made from flavoring neutral alcohol.  It is not as highly regarded as distilled gin.  If you Google compound gin, you will find various DIY recipes, which often start off with a cheap vodka base and then add the classic juniper and spice tastes of gin.  (I think I’ll stick to buying myself a bottle of Gordon’s!)

How Is Sloe Gin Made?

What I am gonna have a go at making is my own sloe gin!  Sloe berries aka blackthorn berries come off the blackthorn tree.

The blackthorn tree is not indigenous to the US, but you can easily either import the berries or head out and find some wild blackthorn trees.  The trees are most prevalent in Eastern USA, so I’m lucky in Boston – I know of several places where I can find blackthorn trees.

I’ll let you know how well my bottle of Gordon’s turns into a delicious Sloe Gin!


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Craft Beer Industry News and Views

News About the Craft Beer IndustryIt’s a warm day as I’ve been cruising across the Midwest with thoughts of quality locally brewed beer dancing in my brain. For this installment of The Craft Joint, I’m going to bring you some Craft Beer Industry News that’s come across my radar. Read on for a mixed bag of information and my personal views about my favorite buzz-inducing adult beverage.

Let’s Start the Craft Beer News Now!

Politically Good Beer News…Surprising!

The best thing to come out of the recent tax cut bill is a break for the craft beer industry in the form of the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act. The little guys, for a change, get the biggest benefits from this bill.

Under this bill, breweries producing less than 2 million barrels per year get their excise tax cut by half. Now they only have to pay $3.50 per barrel on the first 60,000 barrels that they produce. Breweries making more than 2 million barrels annually will see their excise cut by $2 per barrel for the first 6 million barrels. The Brewers Association, one of the promoters of this bill, predicts $142 million in annual savings for the USA beer industry.

This bi-partisan bill was sponsored by Sen. Ron Wyden (D) from Oregon. Craft brewers and drinkers should collectively raise their glasses in celebration!

Meanwhile There’s Big Beer In Sacramento

With good news comes not so good news depending on your position. Sacramento, CA has a craft beer scene that’s been busting out big time. Well, Big Beer has noticed and wants in on the action. A-B InBev is invading by opening a location of Golden Road in California’s capital. Golden Road started as a craft brewery in Los Angeles but was bought out by A-B InBev in 2015.

The good news is that when Golden Road was bought out, A-B InBev said they were keeping all the employees. I have to applaud that action.

On the other side of the coin, this is a continuation of A-B InBev flexing their considerable multi-national corporation muscle to increase market share overall and reach into already successful craft beer markets. They have shown by past actions that they intend to put the squeeze on the little independent brewers.

Regardless of anything A-B InBev does, the craft beer scene in Sacramento will see continued growth. Sacramento has added 50 craft breweries since 2009. Nine more are planned.

Three Floyds Planning on Tripling

three floyds glass walled company expansion In the Midwest, Three Floyds Brewing has an ambitious expansion planned. Are they doubling in size? Hell no! They are working on tripling their Munster, IN operation. They are talking an expanded brewery with top line German brewing equipment, more office space, a bigger brewpub, a lot more parking, and a huge outdoor dining area.

This modern glass-walled expansion is expecting approval in March and is slated to be completed in late 2019 or early 2020.

Congratulations to the ambition of Three Floyd’s Chicago native Nick Floyd who started the brewery back in 1996.

That wraps up your craft news flashes this time around. Stay tuned for more great craft beer industry news, views, and general beer badassness from The Craft Joint here at Things Men Buy.

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Monday, February 19, 2018

How Was Vodka Originally Made

How Was Vodka Originally MadeMany of us like vodka, it’s mainly tasteless, so can be added to many drinks, but how was vodka originally made?

I like experimenting with cocktails and vodka is one of my go-to spirits that I use as a base, have a look here.  Along the way of learning about cocktails, my current vodka favorites are the Moscow Mule and a Bloody Mary.

But, I digress, our question today is how was vodka originally made, let’s check out some vodka history and see what we can find out!

How Was Vodka Originally Made

The Wikipedia information about vodka is a long post, which is always good news as it generally means that lots of different people have contributed.

Vodka is a drink which originates from Eastern Europe.  It is impossible to say who invented it first, Russia seems to go back to the 9th Century and Poland goes back to the 8th or 11th Century.  There are no written records of the actual dates and locations as it’s so long ago.  Let’s just agree that vodka has been around for a very long time!

Traditionally vodka was made through a distillation of cereal grains or fermented potatoes.  In the early days it was mainly used as a medicine, had a low alcohol content (14%) and looked and tasted a lot different than the vodka we are familiar with.


The popular adult beverage currently known as vodka was called gorzałka (from the Old Polish verb gorzeć meaning “to burn”), which is also the source of Ukrainian horilka (горілка).

Early production methods were rudimentary. The beverage was usually low-proof, and the distillation process had to be repeated several times (a three-stage distillation process was common). The first distillate was called brantówka, the second was szumówka, and the third was okowita (from aqua vitae),

There were many vodka-making cottage industries until the end of the 18th Century when vodka started to be produced on an industrial basis at Kresy.  The nobility and the clergy became involved with production and the first industrial distillery was opened in 1782 in Lwow.

In the late 19th Century the first rectification distillery was established and this allowed for the production of clear vodkas.


A type of distilled liqueur called vodka is evident in Russia in the late 14th Century.  As monks of that time had the specialist knowledge of distillation devices, they were able to create an alcoholic beverage which became fashionable with the nobility in Moscow.  This beverage was often known as “bread wine” or “burning wine” until an official document in 1751 named it vodka.  This document also regulated the ownership of vodka distilleries.

In 1863, the previous document was repealed and this caused the price of vodka to plummet. This allowed it to become the drink of choice for many Russians, even those on a low-income.

Present Day Vodka

These days there are many vodka distilleries outside of Russia and Poland.  Some of these are in the US, eg, Skyy Vodka.

Check out our post on the best brands of vodkas.  You can also experiment with flavored vodkas to enhance your drinking experience if you choose to.

The #1 vodka in the world is said to be Smirnoff and I have to admit that is my preferred brand too!






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How to Make Tequila

How Do They Make Tequila in StepsTequila is one of my top three favs when we’re talking distilled spirits. Give me Scotch, Bourbon, and Tequila and I will be happy and happily buzzed. Before you ask, no I do not mix them. Give me a break, eh? I prefer to sip on my strong adult beverages and Tequila is no exception. Either neat or on the rocks is my preference. A fine quality Tequila is fantastic to enjoy without killing the flavor with mixers. Being the fan that I am, I think it is natural to wonder how tequila is made?

I think that’s how the mind works naturally. If you like something, you want to know more about it. At least that’s how my brain works. With that in mind, I’m going to explore some basics about this beloved Mexican adult beverage alcohol. Here we go…

Here’s How Tequila is Made!

It All Starts with Agave

Tequila is a distilled spirit made from the cooked and fermented juice of the blue agave plant. There are many varieties of the agave plant. Another popular Mexican distilled spirit, Mexcal, is made from another variety of agave. The agave plant looks like a cactus but it is a succulent. It primarily grows in the state of Jalisco and surrounding states. The agave plant is native to Mexico.

All agave grown to be used in making tequila must be registered with the Tequila Regulatory Council to ensure compliance with the Mexican Official Standard. Knowing there is quality compliance is a good thing for all of us tequila drinkers!

Once the mature agave is harvested. The part used to make tequila, called the piña, is trimmed by extremely skilled workers call Jimadors. Next, the blue agave piñas are cut into quarters or halves depending upon their size prior to cooking.

Time to Bake

First, the sectioned piñas are steam baked for a day or two and then cooled for up to two days. Traditional producers use a masonry oven called a horno. Non-traditional producers have switched to autoclaves to speed up the cooking and cooling process significantly.

premium tequila from patronOnce cooled, it is time to extract the sugary juice from the cooked and cooled piñas. Traditionally, a type of mill called a Tahona is used to shred the piñas and extract the juice. Mules or oxen pull a big round stone around a circular pit to get that juice. Patrón is one of very few to use this traditional process today. They use it in the production of their fine Roca line of tequilas.

Extracting the Agave Juice

Most tequila producers now extract the juice using roller mills, conveyor belts, and screens. Some have even reduced the manual handling of the harvested and trimmed piñas by extracting the juice using a steam diffusion process. Then sulphuric acid is added and the juice is heated. Though the diffusion method is more efficient, there is controversy from traditionalists and from those who claim the flavor suffers significantly.

Fermentation is Next

Fermentation of the juice is the next step. Mixed tequilas known as Mixto will see up to 49% cane and/or corn sugar added. To be called tequila, a minimum of 51% of the fermentable sugars must come from agave. 100% agave tequila uses only sugar from blue agave in fermentation. No other sugars are added.

Yeast is also added during fermentation. Spontaneous fermentation, Herradura is one of the very few bottle of herraduraproducers using this method, uses naturally occurring yeasts that are airborne. However most tequila producers use either their own yeast strains or commercial yeast during the fermentation phase.

Steel or wooden vats are used to ferment the liquid. The vats are kept open and the liquid is usually fermented between 24 and 96 hours. The longer fermentation time produces a higher alcohol by volume.

The fermented juice is now called “Mosto”. This mosto must now be distilled at least twice to be called tequila (The product is called “ordinario” after the first distillation). Traditionalists use only pot stills while most use a combination of pot and column type stills. Contact with copper in some form is necessary during distillation. Contact with copper is necessary during distillation to counteract any sulfur naturally produced by the fermenting yeast.

Aging, Additives, Filtering, Diluting, and Bottling

Much tequila is bottled after the second distillation and that tequila is known as “Blanco”. Reposado and Añejo must be aged. The casks they are aged in must be oak. The wood contributes tannins to the tequila which mellows it and adds character. You see, they can use new casks or casks previously used to aged another type of beverage alcohol. Casks used to age Bourbon or Whiskey are popular. Also, they may char the inside of the casks. All these actions and others add to the character of the tequila.

Aged tequilas may have Mexican government approved flavorings and other additives added. However, the total amount of additives are limited to one percent of the total volume.

Some tequila will be filtered through charcoal or another medium and chill-filtration can also be used. The filtration is a final step prior to bottling.

Also prior to bottling, the tequila is diluted with distilled water or with water that has had the minerals removed. The rules require that tequila must be bottled at an alcohol by volume strength between 35% and 55%.

Mixto (mixed) tequila that is being sent out of Mexico is usually shipped in tanks or tankers at a higher strength. Then it is diluted to the desired strength.and bottled in the destination country for sale or export.

On the other hand, 100% Agave Tequila must be bottled in the region of origin.

There’s a lot more to the production of tequila than I thought. I first learned about the process via a museum display while visiting Mexico. On my hit list is a trip to a tequila region in Mexico where I can see the agave fields and visit a production facility. When I do this, they better have some healthy samples ready for me.

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Saturday, February 17, 2018

What is the Best Throwing Knife for Beginners

The Best Throwing Knives for Beginners

Jason Statham in Action

I like throwing knives. I also like throwing hatchets, axes, and about anything else that resembles a weapon and that is able to be tossed or thrown. Maybe that comes from growing up a crazy country boy or maybe I read too many fantasy novels with barbarian and warrior characters. Whatever the source, my interest in knives, knife fighting technique, and throwing knives has continued throughout my life right up to the present. What is the best throwing knife for beginners has to be the number one question asked by anyone interested in developing the skill of knife throwing? I’m going to offer my opinion and also put forth some related general information.

Not Every Knife is for Throwing

The first thing to realize is that your favorite steak knife is not a knife you want to throw. You can throw it, but you’re not going to be able to throw it with any precision reliably. I realize this is not going to be a newsflash, but to throw a knife right you need a properly made throwing knife. Throwing knives are both designed and made to be thrown.

Proper throwing knives are made from one single piece of material. They are generally, but not exclusively, made from steel or carbon. The design is a basic one with the sharpened blade and the grip for, well, gripping in preparation for throwing.

Types of Throwing Knives

There are four main types of throwing knives:

The Japanese Kunai Knife is more of a heavy duty multi-use knife.

Handle-Heavy Knives, as the name implies, are designed with more weight toward the handle. These are better for the more experienced knife thrower as they require more skill and power to throw well.

Blade Heavy Knives have, you guessed it, more weight toward the blade. Overall, it is a lighter weight knife which is easier to handle and throw farther.

The Balanced Throwing Knife is, well, a balanced knife. This means the weight is evenly distributed throughout the knife. A balanced Throwing Knife is appropriate for all skill levels. So this type is a no worries choice.

Finding Out What is the Best Throwing Knife for Beginners

An ideal throwing knife for those starting out needs to be of proper weight. Your throwing knife should weigh about an ounce to an ounce and a half per inch total length.

Overall dimensions play a role too. The dimensions of the knife are purpose driven meaning that you have differently sized knives depending on the distance you want to throw them.

Perfect Pak's 12 knife Starter SetTaking all this into consideration, there is not one single best throwing knife for beginners. That’s the bad news. The good news is that I have a few suggestions which will get you throwing.

An outfit called Perfect Point has the Pak-712-12 which is a set of wonderfully balanced throwing knives for anyone just starting out. You get 12 knives. They are relatively cheap, stick well, and are thrown easily. The metal is a touch soft so you may break a tip now and then. Also, there is no paracord on the handle. For the value, these are tough to beat. You should be able to find the set for under $30.

If you want to spend around $50 and get a topfling throwing knife by SOG quality set of knives right out of the gate, check out what SOG offers. Specifically, I’m talking about 3 knife Fling set. Spear point blade. Paracord wrapped handle. Ballistic nylon carrying sheath. Fixed blade with good hardness.

For anyone starting out, either of these sets will not disappoint. Make your choice and begin the never-ending, but enjoyable, path of learning, practicing, and training.

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Best Sites to Read to Learn MMA

the best sites to read to learn mma fightingAny fans of MMA out there? I’m sure there are. As a sport, Mixed Martial Arts have come out of nowhere a couple decades or so ago to becoming a serious draw. If social media is any indicator (hint: it is.) the sport of MMA is huge. For example, the Ultimate Fighting Championship© has over 6.5 million Twitter followers and around 22 million in both Likes and Followers on Facebook©. Conor McGregor has almost 7 million Twitter© followers. Those numbers illustrate solid and enduring pull. Considering that, and your author are serving up some of the best sites to read to learn MMA.

First, Some Mixed Martial Arts History

I remember when the whole thing was picking up steam (at least in my circle of awareness) and the buzz was about the Gracie family and Jiu-Jitsu. Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, which is their variation of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu now popularly called BJJ, was all the rage and really brought grappling and ground fighting combat/self-defense renewed attention.

These days it seems like strikers such as McGregor have come gained serious traction. McGregor started out and competed early on as a boxer, but a coach encouraged him to pursue MMA and that worked out pretty damn good for him.

Mixed Martial Artist Michael Bisping

Another top name is Michael Bisping. Contrary to McGregor, Bisping began Jiu-Jitsu training as a kid. In his late teens, he added boxing, kickboxing, and karate to his training. That variety of training has served him well.

I mentioned these fighters to point out the wide range of training and styles prevalent in the world of Mixed Martial Arts today and how success in this fighting sport is not due to proficiency in just one area. True to the name, it is mixed.

Best Sites to Read to Learn All About MMA

Now, let’s check out a few great MMA websites to read and learn more. The following websites provide quality information about Mixed Martial Arts and about the sport that has sprouted up incorporating and promoting this full contact fighting style. The title alone, Mixed Martial Arts, indicates that those involved in the sport cull techniques from a variety of traditional disciplines. This is very true today as evidenced by above. On to the sites…

“MMA Fighting” at provides plenty of news, videos, and fight schedules.logo from mma fighting website They also offer a video show called “The MMA Hour” which can help you learn more about what’s going on in the world of MMA.

“The Underground” is the name of the MMA site at Their main page is filled with videos. They offer news, forums, events, and a pretty damn good fighter database. They also are proud of their podcast.

“MMA Mania” can be found at This is a solid offering of pics, news, videos, and articles. MMA Mania is part of the independent sports media brand called “SB Nation” and they have quite a bit of fan interactivity.

Finally, to learn about and keep up with everything from the industry leader, you have to check out the official Ultimate Fighting Championship© website at You can not help but to get a bunch of background and get up to date on everything UFC© connected while exploring all their pages.

You Won’t Learn How to Fight From a Website Alone…

This is my short list of the best sites to read to learn MMA. My focus has been to learn about the competitive sport as opposed to learning how to do mixed martial arts. The reason for this is simple. If you want to actually learn how to do it, take classes. That is the only real way in my book.

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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Who Is Dan Bilzerian?

Who Is Dan BilzerianWould you like to be a multimillionaire playboy?  Stupid question, right?  Of course you would, our post on Who is Dan Bilzerian takes a look at how you could live if you were that playboy!

Dan is a poker player, an Instagram celebrity, hangs around with famous people, shoots guns and has lots of hot girls hanging around with him.  What more could we all want, that’s our idea of heaven, right?  I found a great post by a guy who decided to live like Dan for a week, check it out here! This post suggests that potentially, Dan’s lifestyle is not as great as it seems on the surface!  Let’s investigate deeper!

Who is Dan Bilzerian?

A lot of his fame comes from his Instagram celebrity status, have a look and you’ll see hundreds of pictures of adrenaline-fuelled adventures and sexy women.

Where did Bilzerian get his wealth from?

If you listen to him, the money came from poker initially, he worked on his social media status and then got more money from becoming famous.  He is known by some as the “King of Instagram”.

It seems more likely that he had money to start with from his Dad, Paul Bilzerian.  Dad created several trust funds for Dan to enjoy his lifestyle before he ever started playing poker.  He has a brother, Adam who is also a poker player and beneficiary of Dad’s trust funds too.

Where does Bilzerian get his sexy women from?

Dan is infamous for throwing a porn star off his roof, supposedly into his swimming pool, but actually breaking her foot in the process.  He does have a fanbase of girls and also girls who want to be famous on the back of his Instagram popularity.  Chances are he also pays for women to drape themselves over him for the many photoshoots that get organised for all those perfect, staged Instagram shots.

He also works out, goes to the gym, consumes protein shakes and mixes with celebrities – often a very attractive bachelor-type for the previously mentioned girls who want to become famous through Dan’s status.

Here’s some more on Dan:

Dan Bilzerian and Las Vegas Shooting

Bilzerian found himself involved in the Las Vegas Shooting on 1 October, 2017.

He filmed himself running away from the scene, here’s the live footage he posted on Instagram:

Is Bilzerian’s lifestyle real?

Back to our original question, Who is Dan Bilzerian?

Is he the “ideal” man who we should all aspire to?  Check out Craig’s post on manly things we should all have to see if you meet the grade!

Listen up, most of us dream about living the “bachelor lifestyle” and on the surface, Bilzerian’s life looks totally cool.  If you dig a bit deeper though, his life seems to revolve around publicity stunts.  It is impossible to say whether any or all of these stunts are for real or not, I’ll leave you to decide!

Remember if your days as a bachelor are nearly up, check out our posts on great places for your bachelor party in our travel deals section!




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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Elite Serum Rx Review

At we believe that skincare is for men too.  For that reason, this is an Elite Serum Rx Review.

Elite Serum Rx is for wrinkles, bags and dark circles.  It contains eight peptides which combine into a formula which is clinically proven to significantly diminish eye bags and dark circles around the eyes.  The scientific formula also promotes skin elasticity and firmness.

Elite Serum Rx Review


Elite Serum Rx Review

Guys, check this out, it’s not just women who get to find great creams for their face.  Men can too!  I love this stuff and I travel a lot, so my skin can get really dry, especially with all the plane travel.  Here’s Calvin’s post that goes into more depth on Elite Serum, he raves about it too!  His post also has a money off coupon, so if you decide to try this stuff, pick up the coupon on the way to Amazon.

Have a look at Tim’s post on Men’s Health too – his comment which he got from WebMD

” Let’s face it, most men take better care of their cars and trucks than they do their personal health and hygiene!”

This is SO true!  We do take much more notice of our favorite car or bike and care for it much more deeply than we do about our own skin!!

The Elite Serum Rx is manufactured in the US, as are all the SkinPro products.  They are also cruelty free and are subject to cutting-edge clinical technology.  These are all important factors to consider in buying Elite Serum Rx.  For me, it’s really important that now I’ve got to the point where I’m looking after my skin, I use a product that was formulated and manufactured in the US.  There is so much stuff out there that comes from overseas and, be honest, there is no way we have any idea what goes into these products!

Elite Serum Rx Reviews on Amazon from Men

At the point of writing this post, over 500 people have reviewed Elite Serum Rx on Amazon and it has a four stars.  Obviously a lot of the reviews are from women, but here’s some reviews from guys:

Bruce says:

“I have very sensitive eyes and this product is not irritating at all. After a week or so I see the skin around my eyes appears brighter and maybe even a little tighter.”

Josh says:

“This stuff is amazing, I was skeptical but it did indeed make a noticeable reduction in wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes. I saw results after just over a week. Oh and it only takes a small dab to treat a relatively big area, use sparingly. Buy with confidence!”

Jason says:

“Received Elite Serum really quickly. A friend recommended this product for anti-aging & wrinkles. Extremely easy to use and I’m starting to notice a great difference in a matter of days. The box is slim and the cool “syringe” makes it a unique experience. This is definitely a great anti-aging serum for wrinkles.”

Elite Serum Rx Reviews on YouTube

There are some great reviews for Elite Serum Rx on YouTube.  This one is information all about the SkinPro company and how they develop their products:

I use Elite Serum Rx and I recommend to all my buddies, go buy it!

(Remember we have a money off coupon on Calvin’s post.)





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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

What Is A Negroni?

The Craft Battle Against Big Beer

reasons to care about the craft versus big beer battleBeer is war. Whether you like it or not. Whether you say you care or not. There is a war going on and if you are a fan of and a drinker of beer with flavor, I’m talking independent craft beer, then you cannot avoid this battle against big beer. It has been, is, and will continue to affect you no matter how much you try to hide inside your beer glass. It is craft beer taking on big company beers. The lines have been drawn.

In case you have any doubt about where The Craft Joint stands…read on.

Fight Back Against the Big Beer Attack

Independent craft beer, breweries, and drinkers are under attack. The multi-national beer conglomerates are and have been leading the attack. They are also betting that enough of us craft beer drinkers won’t put out the effort, won’t care enough to fight back. They want us to give up and do whatever they want us to do.

I say, “fuck that”.

There are some rumblings from craft beer drinkers who are trying to stay on the sidelines, who say they don’t care about “politics” or about “business” and that they just want to drink beer that tastes good. As close as I can figure, these rumblings are coming from people who are kind of new to craft beer, who have not yet taken much time to find out what craft beer is all about, or who feel insecure or “put upon” to have to figure out what is going on in the craft versus big beer battle.

I understand their point of view. I certainly don’t agree with it and since I believe knowledge is power, I believe that if they knew how big beer was trying to manipulate and take advantage of them that they would be righteously pissed off.

Make no mistake about it, the big beer companies are doing their damnedest to confuse you and use their deep pockets to get you to do and believe what they want you to believe.

A few years back the Budweiser company and the Miller company were merging to become one giant company. The giants were targeting the small beers and beer companies because they were growing and the big beer brands were not. Big beer was feeling threatened by independent craft breweries.

The Beer Giants Battle Plan: Manipulation-Bullying-Disinformation

They began using their almost limitless resources to fool and confuse beer drinkers. They put out fake craft beers like Blue Moon and Shock Top. They purposefully hid that these beers and others were their products. They wanted you to believe they were craft beers made by little breweries.

More quality ingredients in craft beerThe big outfits like AB InBev and SABMiller cheapen their beers by adding rice and corn. This reduces the expense because they don’t have to use as much of the high quality, traditional ingredients used to make tasty true craft beer. I certainly don’t want to be drinking substandard beer packed with fillers.

AB InBev began buying distributorships so that they could control the market. By owning distributorships, they could and would only distribute their own beers. You wouldn’t be able to go to your favorite beer store to find your favorite craft beer. You would only be able to buy big beer brewed beers.

Fortunately for us, the Justice Department stepped in and put a stop to that corrupt practice. Something about violating antitrust regulations. Hmmmmm…

Big beer is buying up craft breweries. This is not some willy-nilly action. They are strategically going after craft breweries because they want to make it extremely difficult for small independent brewers to succeed in the marketplace.

This is killing your freedom of choice.

The bottom line is that this big beer battle over craft beer is significant, it is important, and if you want to be able to continue to enjoy the choices you do now, if you want to see small breweries continue to make great tasting beers and to continue to be creative with their beers, then you need to support independent craft breweries.

the seal of true craft beer breweriesSupport Independent Craft Breweries!

Over 2700 independent craft breweries are now putting the independent craft beer seal on their labels. Look for it. Buy those beers. Support freedom. It’s the American thing to do. Independence…damn straight!

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Friday, February 9, 2018

What Is A Singapore Sling?

what is a Singapore SlingAs we carry on with our look at gin-based cocktails, our next question is what is a Singapore Sling?

I have been lucky enough to sample a Singapore Sling at Raffles Hotel, Singapore where it was invented sometime before 1915.

It is easy to sip a Singapore Sling on the balcony of Raffles and imagine yourself in the middle of the High Society of that era!


What is a Singapore Sling RafflesRaffles Hotel is a beautiful colonial-style luxury hotel.  It was occupied by the Japanese during World War 2 and in 1987, 100 years after it opened, it was declared a National Monument by the government of Singapore.

The Singapore Sling was invented in the Long Bar, at Raffles, by Ngiam Tong Boon who was the bartender there.

What Is A Singapore Sling?


34 oz  Gin
14 oz  Grand Marnier liqueur
14 oz  Cherry Heering liqueur
14 oz  Herbal liqueur
1 oz  Pineapple juice
12 oz  Fresh lime juice
1 dash  Angostura Bitters
Club soda
Garnish: orange slice, cherry
  1. Add all the ingredients except the club soda to a shaker and fill with ice.
  2. Shake, and strain into a highball glass or Collins glass.
  3. Fill with club soda and garnish with an orange slice and a cherry.

The Singapore Sling is one of those cocktails that has many variations.  This is because nobody wrote the ‘original’ recipe down.  In many recipes you will find the pineapple juice is absent.

The cherry liqueur of choice is Cherry Heering liqueur, which has been produced since 1818 and is the original “Cherry Brandy.” Cherry Heering liqueur is sold in more than 100 countries all over the world and is, apparently,  the essential ingredient in the Singapore Sling.

The herbal liqueur of popular choice is DOM Benedictine.  (The DOM stands for Deo Optimo Maximo).  Benedictine was invented in 1863, in France, and is a closely-guarded secret mix of 27 herbs and spices.

Angostura Bitters are something you need to keep as a constant in your home cocktail bar.  They were invented in 1824 and are an extremely concentrated, botanically infused, alcohol drink.  Apart from the Singapore Sling, the bitters are used in a wide variety of cocktails, including a Bloody Mary, Rum Punch and a Manhattan.

Here is a another recipe for a Singapore Sling that you might want to experiment with:

There is also the discussion of which gin you prefer to use in your Singapore Sling, some recipes call for Beefeater, whilst others choose Bombay Sapphire.

As you can see, with a Singapore Sling, there are plenty of areas available within the cocktail to experiment and find your particular favorite combination of flavors.

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